Friday, October 9, 2009


This RPG Campaign uses the Unisystem, specifically All Flesh Must Be Eaten.

It's the early days of the Global Outbreak, and the few states with active ZERO (Zombie Emergency Reaction Organization) teams have been folded into the reorganized Hangar-18, the Federal Department in charge of Supernatural Phenomena.

During the Bush administration, H-18 was corrupted by the PNSC-Project for the New Satanic Century- a group of hard-line America firsters willing to sell our national soul to the devil for power. The new administration appointed a reformer--the mysterious Simon Abraxas-- to head up the department and ferret out what infernalists still remain.

That's all abstract and far away, though. The players are members of the newly formed ZERO-HI team, tasked to contain zombie outbreaks throughout the State of Hawaii. In spite of the state's tiny size, it's a very critical task -- the state's international nature and ties to Asia make it a key entry point for infected, and any outbreak could easily overrun one or more of the islands in a matter of days.

If you're in the ZERO Team, expect things to be brutal. The dead hate the living, and ZERO...hates the dead.