Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Wherein I Bringeth The Rock

Couple cool downloads this week:

-Betray My Secrets:
This is the first album by the guy who did Shiva in Exile and the
awesome Spi-Ritual and features the same blend of death metal and world
music found in Spi-Ritual. I actually like this one better than
Spi-Ritual as it has less of the 'cookie monster' type vocals that
almost completely put me off of death metal. A particular standout is
'From the Goddess', which is a musical adaptation of a Wiccan prayer by
noted occult author Z. Budapest.

-Falconer "Among Beggars and Thieves"
Everything by Falconer sounds like heavy metal by elves. Swedish elves.
Seriously, it's a hybrid of power metal and a sort of medieval folkish
sort of composition and vocals which I really like. It's fantasy-themed,
which is more or less required for me to make metal -- American metal
tend to focus on pussy and partying, which makes it TEH SUCK compared to
awesomeness like Hammerfall or Rhapsody.

An American band that doesn't suck is ICED EARTH, which has recently
displaced Nightwish as my favorite band. They're basically a heavier
Iron Maiden, and actually do focus on fantastic themes, specifically
this multi-album concept wherein they basically rewrite The Omen to make
Damien (or rather, their stand-in Set Abominae) the hero of a race wiped
out by Humanity 10,000 years ago. Their three-song, thirty-minute long
epic about the Battle of Gettysburg is both awesome and would have
really helped me back in High School, being well-researched enough to
stand in for a lecture on the subject.

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