Saturday, August 22, 2009

Returned to Honolulu

I was laid off by Pacific Wings, and could no longer make rent. Therefore I have returned to Honolulu to stay with my folks for awhile. Hopefully, once I'm gainfully employed here I can find my own place. Reconnecting with old HNL friends is difficult; many seem to have moved on and others are so different I barely recognize them. Others just never answer their goddamn phone.

Only one has remained the same as he always was, and that's not completely a good thing.

Happier note: since moving in with the 'rents, I have gotten to start cooking again! I love to cook, but when it's just myself it's a bit expensive to buy things like veggies because even the smallest lot spoils too quickly.

Best dishes have been an onion and beef soup which turned out great - I've only done it once before, and didn't have a beer to use this time so I was happy it turned out as good as it did and a portugese soup called Calo Verde which I got from Brian Lambert's great foodblog Forkbastard.

Jasen has mentioned that his gaming group may need a new GM. They sound really picky about what they'll play, though. If I can't find some compatability I'd rather walk. Hard and firm is no D&D. Posting campaign ideas next. Met two other game groups; Dennis seems to run a very cerebral and awesome Call of Cthulhu game, but he has such strict player limits it seems I may have to knock someone off for their spot; the Vampire group I met through Torin is great and a really easy to talk with bunch. They didn't even hold my being Torin's friend against me! Problem with them is they live in BFE and there's a real, totally insurmountable, levelling differential that more or less guarantees I'll be a third-rater forever. More on the oddness of MET LARP later.

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